The mode of treatment that is used to restore the structure of a tooth damaged due to trauma or decay is known as a dental filling. Your tooth can have a hollow due to decay. This hollow can be filled by a dentist with dental fillings to protect that tooth from the reoccurrence of decay. A dental filling can also be used to repair cracked or broken as well as worn-out teeth due to certain habits like biting nails or grinding teeth etc.

When a dentist or endodontist removes the pulp from a decayed tooth then he fills the gap thus created inside the tooth with dental fillings to restore the natural structure of the tooth. He can also use dental fillings for repairing teeth broken or cracked due to their misuse.

Benefits of dental fillings

Dental fillings offer various benefits to people suffering from certain dental problems like:

  • Improve the structure of your tooth

The natural structure of your tooth can be retained as well as improved by using composite dental fillings. These filings can provide the support required by your decayed and hollowed tooth due to cavity. Moreover, these fillings do not cause any damage to your tooth as they are temporary by nature.

  • Stop the growth of dental cavities

When you have a decayed tooth then your dentist will remove its decayed portion and fill the cavity thus created by pouring filling material into it. The dental fillings can protect the root of the decayed tooth from exposure to the acids created by bacteria in your mouth and temperatures of the food you eat that can cause toothache if left exposed.

  • Protect teeth from decay

Due to decay sometimes your tooth does not have a cavity but minute holes are developed on them which can entrap debris and food particles to cause further decay. Composite dental fillings can protect your tooth from decay by filling the minute holes on it.

  • Make fractured tooth strong

A fractured tooth can be repaired by using white composite dental fillings. You can fracture your tooth due to trauma during physical activities like an accident or sports or while chew certain hard items like candies or ice etc. Your tooth can also fracture or chip due to aging as they get weak with age. In this way, your fractured tooth can be made strong by using dental fillings.

  • Improve the color of your teeth

If your teeth are badly discolored or stained due to consuming red wine or coffee then their color can be improved by applying composite dental fillings on them. Your teeth can also lose their natural color due to certain bad habits like grinding teeth while sleeping etc.


Who are dental fillings for?

Dental fillings are for people with:

    • Eroded and worn out teeth as they can be repaired with composite fillings
    • Tooth decay as fillings can be used to fill the holes created in the enamel of your teeth without affecting the pulp inside your tooth
    • Broken and inured tooth as dental fillings can be used to repair the broken or chipped enamel of the tooth and reduce the risk of decay