A branch of dentistry that helps in treating problems in the tissues and pulp around the roots of a tooth is known as Endodontics.

The name of this field of Washington dentistry has been derived from Greek words – Endo and Odont which laterally means ‘inside’ and ‘tooth’. So the process of endodontics helps in treating the problems inside the tissues and pulp of a tooth. This treatment is provided by an endodontist.


Who is an endodontist?

A dentist who specializes in treating infection, pain, and any other disease in a tooth is known as an Endodontist. During their training as a dentist, they are additionally trained to diagnose and treat problems inside a tooth and relieve pain and infections.


Procedures performed in endodontics

Commonly performed procedures by an endodontist may include:

  • Root canal

It is one of the most commonly performed procedures by an endodontist in case of moderate to severe decay in the pulp of a tooth. To access the root of an infected tooth its crown is opened up to remove all the infected material from it. After cleaning the tooth from inside the root canal is expanded s that it can be filled temporarily with a dental filling. This temporary filling is replaced with a permanent filling after the tooth is healed up. To protect the filling and tooth from recurrence of infection a crown is placed on the tooth.

  • Injured and cracked tooth

An endodontist also treats cracks or injuries in a tooth affecting its pulp.


Benefits of endodontics

Endodontics offers various benefits like:

  • Safe and Effective treatment

The procedures performed by an endodontist are safe and effective to save your tooth damaged as well as infected from inside. He/she works hard to remove the infected pulp of the tooth and reduces the chances of reoccurrence of infection for a long time by sealing the tooth properly. These procedures are performed in a clean and safe environment.

  • Get rid of tooth pain

A toothache can be treated by a dentist either by extracting the tooth or through endodontics. Endodontics can help in saving your natural tooth as much as possible by removing infected pulp from the affected tooth by performing a root canal procedure on it.

  • Maintain the structure of jaw bone

The structure of the bone of your jaw gets affected by losing a tooth because of a lack of stimulation in it. An endodontist can help in preserving the natural curvature and shape of the jaw bone as well as your face.


Who is endodontics for?

Endodontics is for people suffering from:

  • Tooth pain and sensitivity to cold and hot things

An endodontist will perform a root canal to remove the infected pulp from the tooth.

  • Fractured or chipped teeth

If the pulp is exposed out of a damaged or chipped tooth then a root canal procedure can reduce the chances of bacterial infection in it.

  • Tooth injury

An endodontist will place the knocked-out tooth in its socket to stabilize it and perform a root canal on it later on.

  • Bacterial infections

An endodontist will create an opening on the crown of the tooth to remove the infected pulp from it and seal it permanently.